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How to grow and blossom

Updated: Sep 6, 2022

Developing the BePro family culture – what do we want to be known as….

We have all been on such a journey since last year – 1st March 2021 marks the 1-year anniversary of working from home, in circumstances beyond our control. With this has come many challenges, laughs, and the odd tear, just as most of us are feeling. Now more than ever, it is important as working from home seems to be the new norm, to gauge how our colleagues are feeling. We need to consider maintaining the engagement of our remote team, and whether we as employers are actively listening to our employees’ needs.

The last couple of months have been so exciting as I have been given the opportunity to develop the employee engagement strategy at BePro. Shaping the future for us, understanding what is important to the team, and pulling together all my knowledge on engagement, culture, and fun.

When I delivered my ideas and thoughts with the team – got such great feedback and enthusiasm that it excites me as know the team will work together and shape the culture and drive it forward, it is very encouraging. As we all agree this is not just my plan, BePro’s plan, it is our plan.

We have listened to what our team are saying through engagement surveys, focus groups and one to ones and continue to plan in regular check in points, coffee mornings and a survey every 6 months. The purpose of the strategy is to create an inclusive, safe learning environment – where we all feel comfortable and can grow and blossom.

How do we increase the likelihood that employees will establish a positive emotional connection with BePro?

This is the question/thought that has been in my mind the last few weeks as I have been developing the strategy for employee engagement.

The strategy has been developed around ensuring the plan lets the team at BePro feel:

They matter

The team need to really believe what they (and BePro) are working towards matters, they must believe in it, they will be less invested in the outcomes and less likely to stay in the long term if they do not.

They belong

The team should identify with the values at BePro, and these values should reflect the workplace culture, this way we can find more like-minded individuals and form friendships and feel part of the tribe.

They are enabled

The team need to have appropriate tools, information, and processes, how to access them, also how to find help. Having that fine balance of support and hands-off management so they can get their work done.

They contribute

The team to know/feel their contributions provides value. To be clearly shown where they fit within the overall purpose of BePro and how their work positively impacts progress.

They are respected

Everyone in the team to be able to freely express themselves and feel heard. If they do, trust will grow, and collaboration will bloom. If not, they will feel demotivated and frustrated.

From all the above we have broken it down further and developed a short-, mid- and long-term plan – with key activities that will develop each stream. The starting point for us, is getting to know each other more, planning time out activities, plan some charity/fun events – plan our own journey with BePro, through career discussions and PDP’s with our Managers, give us our purpose and goals for the coming months.

I am so excited to be driving the plan forward and most importantly having lots of fun with the team on our way. I just know the work we have planned for the next 12 months will connect us further as a team and deliver bigger and better things.

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