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Why Quality is at the heart of all we do....

Delivering quality apprenticeships has never been a one-dimensional task. There are many areas to consider including planning, strategy, relationship management, systems, and delivery that we need to get right to meet the high expectations we aspire to.

In preparation for our recent Ofsted inspection, we had worked hard as an organisation to prepare ourselves for a positive outcome. We continuously utilise our self-assessment report to identify those areas that need to be developed further and this culminates into a checklist which is used to benchmark our progress over time. This allows us to continually improve and permits us to further develop our quality improvement plan to achieve our future objectives, as we continue to grow. We are pleased to have been recognised for our excellent quality by being rated a 'Good' provider in our March 2022 inspection. Our quality provision looks at 4 key stages of the apprenticeship journey.

Inspiring Content

As a business we have worked extremely hard to build suitable curriculums to support all of our apprentices’ learning journeys. This is now a key feature for all apprenticeships and as you will see from some of the Ofsted feedback we received recently, curriculums should be logically sequenced, challenging, and inspiring.

We also want our content to be cutting edge and are constantly looking to evolve our online content to meet the demands of our clients as we continue with our online delivery programme. Great content is a pre-requisite for quality training, but this is only possible if we have the right team in place.

Great People

We are proud of our team here at BePro. All our staff have a wealth of knowledge and experience from their respective sectors, and this really helps to embed and contextualise the learning for our apprentices.

We were able to showcase some of the amazing feedback we had received from our learners and employers during our recent Ofsted inspection, and many gave fantastic accounts of how they had been supported and motivated throughout their apprenticeship. Great people delivering inspiring course content goes a long way to delivering quality!

Engaging Delivery

Our learning content is now delivered via online 1-2-1’s and tutorials and our curriculum activities have built in resources such as videos, podcasts and webinars, as well as more traditional printed media and talks. We recognise that apprenticeship learning is best delivered using a variety of methods that adapt to each learner’s unique learning style taking full advantage of 21st century technology. Forget workbooks, think podcasts. Forget a day away from the workplace, think learning on your commute.

We are always aware that the delivery of apprenticeships should be done in a way that is efficient, best suits the learner and best suits their employer and we are always striving to look at new initiatives to make learning as accessible as possible.

Positive Client Engagement

It’s important to work closely with our clients to ensure that they are receiving the information and support they require to grow their own talent. Regular updates for all of our clients are critical to make certain that they are aware of their apprentices’ achievements to date. This is also an opportunity to discuss how our curriculums can be tailored to meet their business needs so our clients get the most out of the training that their staff are undertaking.

There should always be a focus on quality, so that apprentices feel sure that they are investing their time and effort into something worthwhile, rewarding, and positive for their future. Equally, this is important to employers who will want to see a high quality, robust apprenticeship system in place no matter which training provider they choose.

If you are looking for a new learning opportunity with a quality led training provider, then please get in touch!


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